Saturday 20 February 2010

Living Stories!

I stumbled across an article a few weeks ago in reference to Living Stories which is a recent experiment looking at different formats for presenting news coverage online.

Google are responsible for the developement of Living Stories and have worked in collaboration with the American newspapers the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Living Stories provides the service of bringing together the ongoing coverage of a particular news story to one single place, in this case one webpage

You can search for a story and once you've found a particular article you'll immediately be able to see where it fits in within the ongoing narrative of that story. It provides immediate context for the reader.

As well as this, the story is constantly updated with the latest developments, so the reader can keep always be kept updated on how the story is unfolding

I can defintitely see this becoming a highly valuable research tool for journalists, particularly those journalists whose work is conducted mainly online. Something like Living Stories would be brilliant for those people.

The experiment has just finished, running from December 2009 and ending in February 2010. I've not heard any news of the Washington Post or New York Times starting the project up again, so it's a case of watch this space, but I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open and looking to see whether any other publihsers decide to take Living Stories any further.

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