Tuesday 2 February 2010

The First New Media Election

I found out today that the Media Society is holding an event next month at City University looking at the role of new media in this year's general election.

I've booked my place for the event which is taking place on 2 March 2010. At the start of the year I was thinking about this year's election, and about how this will be the first time that people will be able to follow and report on a general election through social media such as blogs, twitter, and facebook.

I've always been really into politics, but I'm looking forward to this election for a number of reasons. The impact of social media on this election being one of them.
The panel will include BBC political editor Nick Robinson, and is chaired by the BBC's Evan Davis.

You can find out more details of the event here.

Look out for my blog post on this early next month.

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